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Anesthesia Consent
Surgery and Anesthesia Consent
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Surgery with Anesthesia Form
Please Note:
Any fields with * are required. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Indicates required field
Pet's Name
Male or Female
Spayed / Neutered?
Age / Date of Birth
As the owner (or authorized agent of the owner) of the animal described above, I hereby give my consent to perform the following procedures:
Your pet may have an intravenous catheter placed for the procedure(s). The use of intravenous fluids during surgery facilitates adequate cardiovascular performance, reduces stress on the heart, assists in maintaining your pet’s temperature, hydration, and blood pressure, and can reduce the time it takes for your pet to recover from anesthesia. The veterinarian and her anesthesia technician will determine if your animal will need an intravenous catheter and also determine if the use of intravenous fluids is warranted, this will be done on a case by case basis depending on many factors including but not limited to: the health of your animal, the type of procedure being performed, and the length of the procedure.
While undergoing these procedures your pet will receive anesthetic drugs that prevent pain. Because we care about your pet’s comfort and strongly believe that pain relief is important, additional pain medications will be provided, as needed, to control the level of your pet’s discomfort after surgery and during its recovery. Depending on the procedure other medication may also be provided, including antibiotics and sedatives.
I am the owner (or authorized agent of the owner) of the animal described above, and have the authority to execute this consent. I understand that some risk always exists with anesthesia, even in apparently healthy animals, including the possibility of death. I have discussed my concerns with the veterinarian and understand that it may be necessary to provide additional medical or surgical treatment to my pet in the event of unforeseen circumstances. I realize that no guarantee, legal or ethical, can be made to me regarding the outcome of any procedure performed. I hereby authorize the use of anesthetics and other medications, as well as any such additional treatment, as deemed necessary by the veterinarian. I understand that hospital personnel will be employed in treating my pet. I have carefully read and fully understand this consent. The fees associated with these services have been explained to me, and I agree to pay such fees at the time my pet is released from the hospital.
Please note and understand that if one of our Bayview pet clients is found to have fleas, we have the right to treat at your expense. This is to prevent the spread of fleas to our other patients.
Type your name as approval signature here:
Best Contact Phone Number
The number provided above should be the number where we can contact you today. Please make sure that your phone's voicemail is set up to receive messages and that it is not full.
Please note that if you are unreachable for any significant amount of time today, we will also need the information of an additional contact that has permission to make important decisions regarding your pet's health and wellbeing. Please inform this person in advance that you are providing us with their name and information and why we may need to contact them.
Additional Contact Name
Additional Contact Phone Number
New Client Form
Patient Drop Off Form
Anesthesia Consent
Surgery and Anesthesia Consent
Dental Exam, Cleaning and Treatment
Contact Us